Wednesday, September 17, 2014



A claim is something you state as truth.

Claim: In the story, "Charles," the author foreshadows (hints) that Laurie is the real trouble-maker.

Now we need two pieces of evidence.

Can you think of another interesting (meaning, not too "blah" or obvious) claim from the story Charles? You can make a claim about characters, theme, setting, etc.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Essential Question: How are the elements of a mystery story/novel different or the same as elements of a fictional story/novel?



Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Introducing and Concluding your Presentation

When thinking about your introduction to your presentation ask yourself, "how will I get people's attention"?
Here are some things you might do:

1. You might want to share a personal story about how you became interested or involved in the work.
2. You might mention your favorite aspect of the work you do, and why.
3. You could start off with a a few humorous lines that relate to your work
4. Relate to the audience: give them a scenario or a situation that everyone can relate to
5. Start with a brief visual or film clip to get people hooked (obviously the visual or film clip should relate to your presentation)

When concluding your presentation, ask yourself, "how can I leave an impression?" Several of the above strategies might work here, but you should always think about your purpose, your BIG TAKE AWAY message that you want your audience to receive.