Thursday, October 3, 2013

Predict and Support

Predict and Support is a reading strategy to use before and  during reading. It helps keep readers engaged and encourages them to pay closer attention to details as they try to determine whether or not their predictions are on-target.

Here's how it's done.

-Split your paper down the middle
-On one side write "prediction"
-on the other side write "support"
-Before you  read, or while you glance at the cover and after you've read the first few pages or chapter, write a prediction or predictions about what might happen.
-On the "support" side, include details from the text that lead you to your predictions.

MODEL: Think-aloud using the "Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.

I'm only going to explicitly ask you to do this once, but I encourage you to do this anytime you have a strong prediction you want to get out in the open. Log it in your notebook using the methods described above.

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